Assitance, Struggling to get this script to work

This script is to check for Duplicate Ticket with same Summary name that are open. Link the duplciate ticket and close.

def issueSummary = issue.fields.summary'issue summary is : ' + issueSummary)

def jqlSearch = "summary ~ \"${issueSummary}\""

Map<String, Object> searchResult = get('/rest/api/2/search')
        .queryString('jql', jqlSearch)

def issues = (List<Map<String, Object>>) searchResult.issues
def matchingIssues = []
    if(it.summary.contains(issueSummary) && != "Closed") 
        matchingIssues.add(it.key)'issues with matching summary : ' + matchingIssues)


    // Specify the source issue
    final sourceIssueKey = "TEST-1"
    // Specify the target issue
    final targetIssueKey = "TEST-2"
    // Specify the link type to use
    final linkType = "Relates"
    // Create the issue link between both issues
    def link = post('/rest/api/2/issueLink')
        .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
       type: [ name: linkType ],
       outwardIssue: [ key: sourceIssueKey ], // This is the issue that the link 'starts' at.
       inwardIssue: [ key: targetIssueKey ]   // This is the issue that the link 'finishes' at.
// Validate the link was created correctly
(link.status == 201) ? "Success - The issues with the key of ${sourceIssueKey} and ${targetIssueKey} have been linked with the '${linkType}' link type." : "${link.status}: ${link.body}"
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