This script allows you to post a message to Slack in the format specified, along with issue details.
As a project manager, I want a message be posted on Slack when an issue has been done. So everyone is informed when an issue has been finished.
Good to Know
- A Slack API token need to be created: Create and regenerate API tokens | Slack
// Specify the issue key.
def issueKey = '<IssueKeyHere>'
//Get the issue
def issueResp = get("/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
assert issueResp.status == 200
def issue = issueResp.body
// Get the issue summary.
def summary = issue.fields.summary
// Get the issue description.
def description = issue.fields.description
// Specify the name of the Slack room you want to post to.
def channelName = '<ChannelName>'
// Specify the name of the user who will make the post.
def username = '<SlackUsername>'
// Specify the message metadata.
Map msg_meta = [ channel: channelName, username: username ,icon_emoji: ':rocket:']
// Specify the message body which is a simple string.
Map msg_dets = [text: "A new issue was created with the details below: \n Issue key = ${issueKey} \n Issue Sumamry = ${summary} \n Issue Description = ${description}"]
// Post the constructed message to Slack.
def postToSlack = post('https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage')
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.header('Authorization', "Bearer ${SLACK_API_TOKEN}") // Store the API token as a script variable named SLACK_API_TOKEN.
.body(msg_meta + msg_dets)
assert postToSlack : "Failed to create Slack message check the logs tab for more details"
return "Slack message created successfully"