Informing users that they landed in an Archived space

Hello, I’m looking for a way to automatically change the look of spaces that are set to Archived. I have trouble finding any useful methods in Groovy for that.

Any of the following would be nice =>

  • Change the header/footer of the space via “look and feel” settings
  • Change the Style sheet
  • Some kind of watermark?

I’d like it to be obvious for someone that is following a link to an archived space to understand that they are looking at old information and that the links need to get updated.

Any sugestions ?

Hi Hans,
take a look at provided example scripts in Fragments section of ScriptRunner for Confluence. I’ve modified example script named: Add a banner for only a certain group to see

You need to create Fragment type:Show a web panel
Location: atl.confluence.header
key: group-banner-pane
Menu text: Example Banner
Weight: 1

Condition script:

return in ["SPACEKEY"]
// update SPACEKEY wit ket of archived space.

Provider/classscript use the following code

import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.util.OutputFormatter

    OutputFormatter.markupBuilder {
        div(style: 'display: flex; justify-content: center; font-size: 20px; background: yellow;') {
            a(href: 'https://kb_article_what_does_archived_space_means', target: '_blank', 'Archived Space')

on attempt to see space with key SPACEKEY, scriptrunner will generate Yellow banner on the top of the page.

Hope this helps.

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